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Healing Arts Massage

Natural Path to Restoring

& Maintaining Optimal Health

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Nancy Wymbs, LMT   (904) 806-4109
317 Plant Ave 
Suite U
Waycross, GA 31501

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage
30 Years Experience | Licensed Healthcare Professionals | AMTA Member

Swedish Massage

30 Years Experience

Licensed Healthcare Professionals

AMTA Member

What is a Swedish Massage? 

A gentle, relaxing massage, that can be tailored to anyone. But what is it exactly? Is it even Swedish? And what can you expect during a treatment? We’ll guide you into what is inarguably the most popular form of massage today. Just give us a call and we’ll answer all your questions and schedule you for your Swedish Massage

What happens during a treatment?

This massage which is rooted in Western practices of anatomy and physiology requires, licensed therapists to apply an arsenal of pressure styles that include stroking, kneading, striking, rubbing, and vibrations. Massage oil is generally applied to help our strokes glide, focusing pressure along the muscles that run the length of the body.

What are the benefits of Swedish massage?

  • Relieves Muscle Tension
  • Helps to release knots that sometimes form in the muscles
  • Focuses on trigger points to release tension and toxins from the muscle and ultimately from your body
  • Loosen muscle fibers and ease tension

Are there any other benefits besides looser muscles?

  • Stress Reliever
  • Helps to Improve Blood Flow
  • Increase Oxygen Delivery to the Cells of Your Body
  • Moisturized Glowing Skin From Oil Application

How long should it last?

We commonly offer 30-minute, 60-minute, and 90-minute versions. A longer massage, though, gives the therapist more time to work on each muscle group or to focus on a particularly tense area.

Will it hurt?

No. We customize the pressure of the strokes to suit your requests.
Call us today and schedule your Swedish Massage.
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